

Lyari, Karachi’s football hub, has a message for clerics, politicos

Ullekh NP

Videos of large crowds watching the World Cup from this urban settlement in Pakistan are going viral

Kamila Shamsie: The Anatomy of a Friendship

In her new novel, Kamila Shamsie moves between Karachi of the late 1980s and London of today. She speaks to Open about how childhood bonds can fray and strengthen over time

HM Naqvi: Karachi on his Mind

HM Naqvi captures the dilapidations of age and a city in his new novel

Daddy in the Shadows

A gripping novel where the son gets to know himself better through his raucous uncles and absent father

Rehana and Shakil Saigol: With Love From Karachi

Artist couple Rehana and Shakil Saigol trace their roots to Kolkata, a city they say nourished their imagination

Good Cop in a Bad Land

Dread and despair in Karachi after the death of Chaudhry Aslam Khan, the city’s most daring police officer

The Agony of ‘Pakistani’ Indians

In Kerala’s Malappuram district, a hundred odd people have one eye on the Indo-Pak border, even though it is thousands of kilometres away.


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