India’s ancient and medieval past may be rich in experiences and personalities but its challenges belong very much to the modern world
Revisiting India’s path-breaking budgets on the 25th anniversary of reforms
Among India's youngest public intellectuals, he has made the Constitution of India user-friendly and accessible
He is a philosopher of free thought and an indispensable interpreter of modern India
He has once again established his credentials as a leading public intellectual with his book Incarnations: India in 50 Lives
India as the pivot of Asia’s security: Going to war with Srinath Raghavan
He challenges the illusions about power and democracy, wealth and violence, Hinduism and tradition, nationalism and justice, and about all that metaphysical cant. He is the mirror in which we dare not look at ourselves. His presence is a constant reminder of our bad conscience and bad faith
We have made most of our heroes question-proof. We have made them private collections, labelled and indexed. Thoughts on Ambedkar’s 125th anniversary