

The Infinite Product 

V Shoba

White labelling has always been around

Morals and Metahumans

What India’s youth need to master to stay on top

The Algorithm of Freedom

We can either surrender to global tech giants or lead the way

Where Are You, Genius?

A pause in India’s information revolution

False Starts and Second Guesses

As a funds crunch forces e-commerce companies to get money wise, a series of layoffs and lower salaries take some of the shine off startup jobs

Flipkart: Startup Pangs

On recruited IIM graduates being put on hold by Flipkart


Why investors are rushing to Bangalore to get a piece of the tech startup action even amid talk of a 1999-like crisis

Bloodshed In the Online Marketplace

How e-commerce firms, their war chests overflowing with recent funding, are taking on each other like never before

Flipside Score: Six up, Half a Dozen Down

A billion ‘hits’ on Flipkart’s website; 1.5 million users who bought at least one item; $100 million worth of goods sold

Will They, Won’t They?

E-commerce in India has grown at an annual rate of over 30 per cent for the last three years


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