
Donald Trump

The Axis Tilt of Civilisation

Madhavankutty Pillai

May you not live in interesting times.But you are

What’s Wrong With Democracy

Will the rule of knowers save the world?

Haley’s Comet

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is set to be the first Indian American with cabinet rank in America

Martin Amis: ‘It is Very Satisfying—Killing People’

Martin Amis talks about Donald Trump’s sexuality and Islamic fanaticism

Why White America is Breaking Bad

Revolutions are made by those with something to lose

Open Diary

The lack of intellectual diversity in English media

Trumped in Europe

Alarmed and inspired by America’s choice

Trump and the American Dream 2016

The newest fairytale of democracy carries within it the ominous iconography of change

Into the Unknown With Trump

Trump wants to make America great again but we’re not sure how he will pull that off


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