

‘Silent Majority’

These people often reply ‘don’t know’ if asked by pollsters and often stay at home on polling day out of sheer disgust

Portraits of Heroism in the Time of a Pandemic

They brave a virus to silently do their duty and keep the wheels of society moving while the rest remain safe

Covid-19: The Reckoning

The shock of Covid-19 resulted from our cultural amnesia about past pandemics

Ideas and Idealism

Social decencies of a few restored the dignities of many

Low vitamin D levels raise Covid-19 infection risks

An Israeli study on a large population will now probe links with high death risks

Life Beyond 65

Prohibiting people above that age from engaging in outdoor activities and compelling them to stay at home owing to the lockdown is cruel

Beginnings and Alternative Ends

The trajectory of pandemics suggests that humanity will always triumph in the end but without control over the time and toll


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