

Lighting Up Rooms

Aditya Mani Jha

Interpretative and creative translations of poetry, from the contemporary to the classics

The Diminutive Detective

How beloved series characters spring into being

Metaphorical Malayalee

A portrait of Kerala in fifty stories

The Second Republic

Can a Hindu Rashtra be a pluralistic nation?

Bouquets and Books

The author, a pioneer in Indian publishing, relives a journey that began from Calcutta’s New Market with Hermann Hesse as one of the guides. An excerpt from his memoir

Forecast 2024: Life and Past Times

Memoirs, histories and investigations that see anew

Reading the Shadows

Collaborative to posthumous novels where love and hope are lost and found

A Line Runs through It

Hope and hopelessness in Kashmir during Partition

Revenge and Redemption

Black River | Exiles | Thirty Days of Darkness | Mr Bowling Buys a Newspaper | The Running Grave | The Year of the Locust | The Proof of the Pudding | All the Sinners Bleed | The Mistress of Bhatia House | The Deep

An American Spy in Iran

The return of a master and the moral content of thrillers


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