Paris Hilton’s Pooch Palace
Sohini Chattopadhyay
Sohini Chattopadhyay
13 Aug, 2009
The heiress’ pooches have their own palace, with everything from air-conditioning to crystal chandeliers.
The rest of the world may well be struggling with missed home loan EMIs, but Paris Hilton’s pooches don’t have to worry about any of that. (We hope.)
The hotel heiress and reality show star recently showed off her six pooches’ palace, built in the garden of her Beverly Gardens home, to American magazine Life & Style. And it seems the dogs enjoy their owners’ own deluxe lifestyle. The palace is equipped with the works: air-conditioning, a wrought-iron staircase, lounge areas and even crystal chandeliers. “I wanted it to be fun, cute, comfortable and beautiful. My friends just love it and think it’s so adorable and cool,” Paris was quoted as saying.
All this came at a price: $325,000. According to The Huffington Post, this is enough to buy two hurricane-resistant, three-bedroom family homes in the US, three youth sports facilities in Kenya or Brazil (1,200-1,600 beneficiaries) or twenty-two post cyclone schools and clinics in Myanmar (35,000-50,000 beneficiaries).
Paris’s love for dogs has also led her to create a clothes’ line for them, christened Little Lily (check out littlelily.com if you don’t believe us). “… It’s really cute, like dresses and jeans—everything you can imagine for humans, but for dogs,” said Paris.
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