For raising pointless objections on Twitter to the Prime Minister’s Teachers’ Day address
Verbosity comes naturally to Congress leader Manish Tewari. Just because he is short of ideas does not mean he keeps shut. After having to eat humble pie for attacking Anna Hazare over corruption some time ago, the voluble leader is back to his usual game of making preposterous statements again, this time taking potshots at India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his televised address to students on Teachers’ Day.
Never one to exercise much restraint in the calmest of times, Tewari stooped to a new low in political debate on the micro-blogging site Twitter with this: ‘Heard class 1 to 5 have been exempted from Prime Minister’s pravachan (sermon) on 5th September. Is it because it would be a while before they are voters?’
He also had another question to pose that he assumed would be a burning issue of high constitutional relevance: ‘Why is the Prime Minister’s September 5 pravachan not made optional for all schools and all children? Freedom not to hear is a fundamental right.’ Now that is something one could easily say of having to put up with his frequent fulminations over non-issues. Please gain some gravitas!
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