How the Geek Will Overpower the Sea Bandit
Arindam Mukherjee
Arindam Mukherjee
25 Nov, 2009
Indian shippers could get some clues here to tackle pirates through innovative non-lethal, high-impact techniques.
International shipping companies and private yacht owners are deploying innovative non-lethal, high-impact techniques to safeguard their boats. The US has successfully deployed ‘sonic blasters’ which can inflict permanent ear damage and temporarily disrupt vision with sounds up to 155 decibels. Swedish-made Inferno creates a sound barrier that induces headache and nausea. Russians have a water cannon that smashes everything in a ship’s vicinity to pulp. The Dutch water cannon would spray extremely hot water. But more scalding is the US military’s proposed Active Denial System, which shoots a ‘heat beam’ that attacks the top layer of human skin, creating an intense burning sensation, so that ‘the boat driver immediately stops piloting the boat, ducks for cover and does not [steer] the ship,’ says one report, describing how this weapon would work. Perhaps Indian shippers could get some clues here.
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