

Ferry Tales


Is the photographer a voyeur or an observer?

The Acid Chronicles

The discomfort of interacting with women whose faces have been disfigured by acid attacks

A Little Bit of Elsewhere

...and sometimes they show up in the most unlikely places

I Am He

A graphic tribute to the greatest Indian of our time...

The Lady Naxals of Dandakaranya

Battle-hardened, fiercely committed to their cause and proud of the identity the movement gives them, the woman Maoists here are every bit as fierce as their male comrades.

An Extraordinary Cat

Machli, the world's most famous tigress, is dying. A tribute

First-time Parents at 70

In rural Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh, there is talk of the ‘miraculous operation’ which gifts childless women with progeny.

Her Walk Home

An uneasy disquiet, a sense of foreboding that casts a shadow behind the lone woman going home.

Sometimes, the Street Was His Stage

The image Mansur projected for the camera was no different from his usual spontaneous self, says photographer Parthiv Shah.

After the Flood

Revenge of the two mighty rivers of India


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