There were times when the face of the man I killed haunted me. But I no longer feel remorse. Now, I feel that was his destiny
He wants Rs 50 crore from his family for cutting his hair. He fights other battles too
My sources are servants, cooks, peons, neighbours and drivers. It’s easiest to worm information out of them. I love disguising myself...
In this Kerala district, you see pregnant daughters and their pregnant mothers in the same maternity ward
Piloting an aircraft is probably one of the most powerful jobs because anyone who is someone and travels by air is forced to trust the commander
My wife has never been comfortable with my encounters. Every time there was one, she would go to the temple and pray for forgiveness
The world discovered this endangered tribe in 1970. Soon after, the tribals discovered alcohol
When most people think about air traffic control, what probably comes to mind is the image of men and women in a glass tower
Girls, in parts of rural Maharashtra, are refusing to marry into homes without toilets
Everyday I tell myself I should quit... There was a time when bureaucrats were respected and ministers took our word seriously