Sending ill-prepared soldiers to a territory they know nothing of to tackle Naxals is akin to the practice of throwing men into rivers as sacrifices to appease gods.
Afroz Alam Sahil’s latest breakthrough can tell you all you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the Batla House encounter.
As the Sonia Gandhi chaired National Advisory Council resurfaces, India’s Prime Minister finds his policy formulation space suddenly cramped.
Classified military documents on China’s strategy for a limited war against India confirm our worst fears: China can take Arunachal in 48 hours. And we are in no hurry to do anything about it.
Checkmate, Says Congress to Yadav Chiefs; Woman Power Overrides Bangalore Civic Poll Results
Fatima Bhutto on the Disneyfication of the family graveyard and why she likes to steer clear of politics.
Maybe it’s time to get back to ground reality. The kitsch fashion revolution has outlasted its energy and purpose.
For those adventurous enough for an amazing subterranean experience, over 1,300 caves, including South Asia’s 10 longest, are there to explore in Meghalaya’s underbelly.
Single-child families are increasingly becoming the norm in urban India.