

No Freedom from Shivaji

Haima Deshpande

The thirteenth direct descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji leads a quaint life of forced elegance while what he really wants to do is race down the highways and party with friends

The €2,000 Autorick Ride

Rallying for a cause, rallying without a cause, rallying for fun and sun and a taste of India in a teaspoon


For God’s Sake?

Doubting the faith that drives us

Terror in the Time of TV

Or when the calamity of others became the most riveting form of entertainment.

First Line of Defence

How first-world nations fortified their territories to counter terror attacks

Why the Coast was Clear

How the LeT men simply bribed their way in.

“The US will be back in a big way”

Deutsche Bank Research CEO Norbert Walter talks about the recession and America’s place in the global order

Anatomy of a City under Attack

This correspondent does a spot of terror tourism (is there another kind possible?) on a day seven rockets fell in Kabul.

Poison Plant

The people of a remote village in Tamil Nadu live in dread. The massive domes of two nuclear plants and the dubious promise of six more promise disruption, dislocation and worse.

Manmohan’s India

It’s a question India’s Prime Minister asked a long time ago when he first embarked on his political journey. Now, in his latest effort to lead the country in keeping with his long-term vision, he may well want to ask it again: who fails if India wins?


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