


Pramila N. Phatarphekar

For a growing number of people who run into cardiac trouble as young as 40, life is about living with an artificial throb. You shouldn’t let it come to that

The Widow of a Bachelor

The heartbreaking story of a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy who fell in love while crossing a mighty river, the war between their parents, and a truce that came too late, as always.

Of Husbands at the Receiving End

A growing group of harassed parents and their sons are rallying against the misuse of anti-dowry laws

Just Another Life?

Vikram S. Buddhi has spent 30 months in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. And the famed US justice system thinks it’s alright.

The Other Shooters

A tribute to some extraordinary photojournalists who brought us the first images of the terrorists—images we will never forget.

Business Briefing 21/11

Pragmatic Indian firms are now scouting for cheaper overseas M&A deals; and a book on how Internet giants made it without a marketing force

India This Week

Kashmiri Pandits Threatened, Warn of Fresh Exodus; Destination BJP for Defectors; Coping with Copenhagen; and How to Harass a Man Who Volunteers Info

Gunless but Hungry

Unable to earn their livelihood, a number of former militants in Kashmir are contemplating rejoining the ‘Jihad’.

Keep Your Counsel, Prime Minister

Manmohan Singh’s maiden visit to the Obama White House need not make news to be a success

Coastal Defences are Still at Sea

Shockingly, wide gaps remain in India’s seaside security. The country cannot afford such vulnerability to an amphibious assault.


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