

Sunrise in the East

India needs to keep the Chinese factor in mind while engaging with Myanmar

Jaya Makes Her Case

The reopening of an old case could create problems for Jayalalithaa. However, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister is not too worried. She has walked this road before

Is the NIA a Non-Performing Asset?

Three years into its existence, India’s premier anti-terror agency is not being allowed to function

End of the Double-digit Dream

India’s GDP growth target for the 12th Plan period is just 9 per cent annually, a tad lower than the double-digit bluster earlier

Daughter of a Maoist

Terrorised by the police, bereft of parents, evicted from school—what it means to be a 15-year-old daughter of parents ‘wanted’ by the State

The Elixir Clinic

In search of the perfect body

Steve Jobs and the Sign of a Genius

As AdAsia 2011 gets underway in Delhi next week, it is not awfully hard to guess who will be the star of the gabfest: Steve Jobs

Lahore Namah!

As things look up between India and Pakistan again, the Chandigarh and Lahore press clubs resume a series of annual media conferences, the last of which was held in Chandigarh in 2005. This October was Lahore’s turn.

The Panchatantra Virus

How many more deaths will it take before we go beyond half measures?

1 Israeli for 1,027 Palestinians

The story of a war-torn world where that seems a fair exchange to both sides


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