What the gruesome rape and murder of a law student says about the dangers of being marginalised in an insensitive society where the police are as brutal as the sexually depraved
One of the smartest and funniest humour collectives in India today
There are Indian writers in English and there are regional writers of the vernacular. Jerry Pinto is among the rare few who straddles both worlds.
There is a certain smartness to this Delhi-raised writer’s work that has made him the toast in literary circles.
She reveals the gendered ideologies imprisoning her characters, constructing a feminist model of dominant literature
A healer of ruins, he has steered the discourse on conservation away from the colonial model of keeping sites fenced in
If the Hindi film industry is witnessing a wave of intelligent cinema for the masses, Chaturvedi is at its forefront
He promotes scholarship and wears his privilege with a deep sense of responsibility
The Malayalam filmmaker has shattered received wisdom and established himself as the new auteur to watch
With a restaurant in Bangkok, he is a leading exponent of progressive Indian cuisine