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Modi makes a salesman’s Pitch: Make in India
The strength of Modi is his dexterity in connecting personally with both his customers and his people
Kumar Anshuman
Kumar Anshuman
25 Sep, 2014
The strength of Modi is his dexterity in connecting personally with both his customers and his people
Make in India – Lots of people argue what’s new in the new mantra launched by the new government. It’s merely a rehash of ongoing policies and projects initiated by the previous government. To some extent this claim may be true. But I have a question to the critics. If everything was there why did no one in the previous Government made an effort to highlight it the way Narendra Modi did today?
As a reporter covering political and business activity for ten years, I must say that I have not attended any such function of a Prime Minister, where industry captains can’t find a seat. Yes, when Modi was addressing the industry barons on Thursday, lots of business leaders were standing, unmindful of their stature, listening to the Prime Minister.
Navin Raheja of Raheja Developers was standing just next to me and we both smiled at each other when Modi said that. Frankly, I have never seen the ‘who is who’ of India jostling for space in the huge auditorium of Vigyan Bhawan ever before.
Ever since Modi took over the charge he has been making noises – and right noises, about investments in India. His willingness to go extra mile to satisfy investors has given confidence to the industry. And it was visible in today’s event.
Indeed it’s a lion’s step as Modi pointed out. The fact that the Prime Minister of a country is inviting the world in a singular pitch to make investment is indeed heart-warming. The talking has been done in the past too and some of the major projects such Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor was conceived during UPA regime. The only difference is that despite their best effort, the UPA couldn’t pitch it as a great opportunity and hence the project was delayed.
Modi was prompt to spot the opportunity and like a smart salesman presented the same product in a new package – with much fanfare and gusto. Narendra Modi is a sales man every company would love to have and is a leader every other party would be jealous of.
The strength of Modi is his dexterity in connecting personally with both his customers and his people. During his speech, he referred Mukesh Ambani as ‘Mukesh Bhai.’ I don’t remember any other Prime Minister addressing or even sharing such warmth with a businessman.
After all his success mantra is winning the trust of ‘Sawa Crore Deshwasi’, something which he cherishes every day.
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