

The Best Way to go Bust in India

Aresh Shirali

Bankruptcy Code: Why every failure deserves a fair shot at survival

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw: ‘There is no scientific debate in this country’

From the Biodiversity Bill to women in boardrooms, the irrepressible Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw strikes a different note

Oh, For the Love of Stretch Targets

Grandiose goals are trickier for a State than for a business

Watches: Time Is Precious

Ten familiar luxury watches get a makeover

Elon Musk as Steve Jobs of the Space Age

All in all, the Model 3 is Musk’s best chance yet to do an Apple on us

Swiss Watchmakers: Time Is on Their Side, Still

High-end Swiss watchmakers are dismissive of the digital threat, writes Aresh Shirali from Basel


The burger market sizzles like never before

Time to Shatter the Money Illusion

The conjuror of this illusion, of course, is what we call ‘inflation’. And while American policymakers have managed to quell it, in India it still moves in mysterious ways

PNC Menon: A Perfectionist at Home

From palaces for Middle Eastern royalty to homes for middle-class India, the journey of an empire builder with a social conscience

Make in India: The Sales Pitch

A mega show in Mumbai markets Modi’s global ambition. There is a long way to go


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