

See You Down the Road

Nomadland tells the story of a woman on the margins discovering the joys and hardships of an itinerant life. Noel de Souza speaks to the Academy Award winning director Chloé Zhao and actor Frances McDormand about the search for America’s soul

Salman and the Secret of a Comfortable Shoe

The veteran actor’s Radhe offers an escape in these stressful times

Craving Controversy

If Bollywood’s storytellers start choosing to be political props rather than honest artists, then there is little hope

A Hybrid Release At Last

Zee buying all the rights to Salman Khan’s latest release for Rs 200 crore

The Deep Dark Web

The perpetrators, victims and warriors of cyber crimes make for compelling onscreen drama

Konkona Sen Sharma: Act of Fluidity

Konkona Sen Sharma has played all kinds of working women characters. She speaks to Kaveree Bamzai about her recent role as a transsexual Dalit factory worker

The Art of Adapting

But some are better at it than others


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