

Tech Meets Jugaad

V Shoba

3D printing ventilator parts and protective clothing could help critical care units tide over a COVID-19 surge

A Country of Trolls

How India ranked among a handful of countries that use ‘cyber troops’ to influence foreign public opinion

A Few Guns Short

India needs more military firepower

Breaking the Online Ceiling

How one college student denied permission to use her mobile in a hostel made internet access a fundamental right

Freedom from Babudom

A technology platform introduced in Haryana is transforming the government’s interface with citizens. Can it be replicated elsewhere in India?

Facial Recognition: Face the Future

Facial recognition comes of age with the iPhone X but there is interesting work happening in India too on this front

Enter the Drone

From mapping pollution to counting crops, the commercial use of drones is set to boom in India. But only if there is legal clarity

Wear and Steer

From Bluetooth pacifiers to bras that only open for the right man, wearables are no longer just a fitness tracking trend


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