
Winston Churchill

And the Winner Will Be Modi

MJ Akbar

A new year prediction and the plagiarism that added to Churchillian flair

The Churchill Paradox

Historians cannot square the wartime British prime minister’s fascination for India with his pessimism about its independent future

Unfair Play

Where was Winston Churchill’s statesmanship when it came to India?

Churchill’s Bengal Famine

The killing of three million Indians is a story waiting to be retold

Churchill on Trial

Seeing history through the prism of the present

Churchill’s Endgame in India

Was he a nasty imperialist or a British patriot?

1942: An Indian Tragedy

The price we paid for the failure of the Cripps Mission eighty years ago

Power of the People

Cracks in social foundations can break up democracies

A Bookworm’s Lockdown

A loincloth for Prince Philip and the Quran written in Saddam’s blood

Churchill and Brexit Ghosts

A letter from London: Boris Johnson is the nearest Churchill Britain can get today


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