
Vijay Seshadri

Open Conversation with Vijay Seshadri, Poet

Tunku Varadarajan

‘If you want to look at Modi in a historical context, you would say, ‘Well, you can trace him all the way back to the Tulsi Ramayana,’ says Vijay Seshadri

The Lowland Achieves New Heights

Jhumpa Lahiri wins the 2015 DSC Prize for South Asian Literature for The Lowland

Ten Sessions to Attend at the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival

What not to miss at the eighth edition of the world’s largest free literary party, which begins on Wednesday in Jaipur


Lamented • The Pulitzer Poet • Christie’s Again • Cultural Bully • The Indian Banksy • A Millennium for DDLJ • The New Bestselling Genre • The Yogi Departs


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