

The New Game Theory

V Shoba

How young India is shaping the next big frontier in entertainment

Attention, Engagement and Monetisation

Digitalisation is the ultimate democratisation

This Is Us

Digital platforms have changed the way India produces and consumes entertainment. Expect to see more of us—crazy, rich, poor, sane us—on our smartphone screens soon

Premium Error

Why Spotify’s India pricing heeds the lessons of Apple’s dismal performance in India

An Apple a Day Keeps the Teacher Away

Be it playing a piano or a 360° tour of the Colosseum, smart classrooms are stretching the limits of learning

Make in India: The Sales Pitch

A mega show in Mumbai markets Modi’s global ambition. There is a long way to go

Sony Xperia Z3+

The latest in the series comes with new hardware packed in a thinner body

The smart new world of Über-efficiency

With people swiping smartphones for food options, restaurateur ego-willing, menu prices could yet go dynamic in a chain reaction across the Indian market

A Call from China

How Chinese handset maker Xiaomi, which has sold over a million smartphones in India, is revisiting its strategy to ride a second wave of growth


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