
Rishi Sunak

Over to Sir Keir

Lance Price

A former Downing Street adviser spells out what the new prime minister of the UK must do to turn Labour’s landslide into an era of change and competence

The Unmaking of Rishi Sunak

The story of an accidental prime minister who ran out of ideas

The Art of Winning a Defeat

Congress has a long way to go before it becomes a natural alternative to BJP

Benefits of a Beer Campaign

And hammering home the truth about Congress

Blame It on Boris

Sunak's battle against the inevitable and a journal that stands out

Three Cheers for Democracy

This year will disappoint anyone planning another tome on its unravelling

Rishi at Bay

The British prime minister is saddled with an unpopular government, a mutinous party and few obvious political skills

Extremists Stay Banned

An added significance in the current unsettled situation in Manipur


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