
Narendra Modi

Look Who’s Cancelling Hinduism

PR Ramesh

Targeted violence during festivals like Ram Navami has a long history going back to the Mughal era

A Bridge to the Church

The Easter visit is also a determined bid to transcend divisions and distrust

Latest Bee in Rahul’s Bonnet

Modi, of course, is the real target

Congress Has Lost the Will to Fight

The party should have been proud of Prime Minister Modi’s speech at my farewell

The Deccan Supremacy

The stakes are high in the Karnataka assembly polls with BJP seeking a majority to strengthen its 2024 frontrunner status and Congress fighting to remain relevant in national politics

Indian Hand

The Western habitof meddling in others’ affairs

The Wrong Sales Pitch

When Rahul Gandhi rages against corruption

Minilaterals: A New Channel for the Indian Foreign Policy

India needs to push for reforms at the multilateral level to safeguard a universal rules-based framework

Reserving the Future

The quota adjustment in Karnataka is an ambitious attempt by BJP to widen its social base


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