

Being Shashi Tharoor

S Prasannarajan

Can he win the culture war within the Congress? 

IIM Kozhikode: Team Spirit

A blueprint for tomorrow’s leaders

Flight from Followers

As paparazzi or hashtags, they don’t give up

No Time to Pause

Modi may set aside BJP’s more contentious agendas but he is unlikely to be overcautious

Modi’s Appeal Is Intact

And it’s unlikely that he will allow himself to be constrained by coalition pressures

Why It Is Still Modi

For India’s choice, the days after June 4 are a prologue as well as a provocation

The Unravelling of Xi’s Empire

How will a crisis-ridden China affect India's power in the Global South?

G20: Leadership

Modi has changed India’s terms of engagement with the world by democratising G20 and leveraging the summit to Delhi’s advantage. His India can now set and steer bigger agendas

The Mythmaker’s Last War

Putin is not an accidental autocrat and a historian explains why


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