
Lalit Modi

The President is Staying

Akshay Sawai

Shashank Manohar is expected to stay another year as BCCI president. He seems ready to step out of his comfort zone, but if Lalit Modi needed to be transparent, so does the BCCI.

Crime and Punishment

What is Team Modi’s next plan of action, now that the Indian cricket board has unanimously ratified all its charges and both civil and criminal proceedings will soon be initiated against him?

The Buck Doesn’t Stop with Modi

The BCCI’s charges against Lalit Modi are unlikely to get very far so long as there are fears of what else might show up.

An Idiot’s Guide to Celeb Tweeting

Now that the perils of embracing cool tech are clear, perhaps our twitterati will consider learning the golden rules of celebrity-tweeting.

Last Wicket

It is not just about Lalit Modi and some greedy businessmen and politicians. If the IPL mess is not contained quickly, the entire world cricket economy could be staring at disaster.

Indian Tainted League

The latest controversy surrounding the Indian Premier League will impact its credibility as a professionally run sporting spectacle.

Test Cricket Is Forever

It better be, for no business that takes its core customers for granted can survive long. If Tests go, cricket dies.

Twenty20 Vision

Embedded advertising and seven minute breaks are making money for everyone involved with IPL, and killing the game. And, hey, Mandira Bedi doesn’t help either


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