

The Ghosts of Exile

Rahul Pandita

A Kashmiri filmmaker visits his homelessness through the story of a schizophrenic refugee

The Divide and the Design

The violence in Kishtwar bears the signs of an orchestrated plan to create a Kashmir Valley-like situation in this part of Jammu

Kashmir, Once Again

The Indian Government is unable to counter the changing strategies of separatists

History Lessons from Mr Tharoor

Another absurd retelling of the story of the Kashmiri Pandit exodus from the Valley

What’s the Idea, Omar?

The lack of wisdom in the proposed J&K Police Bill

Kashmir Too Owes ‘India’ an Answer

Even if Afzal Guru were not hanged, Kashmir’s integration with India would have remained patchy at best

Darkness or Light

Silence on fatwas is no longer an option for Kashmiris

Omar Is Selling Kashmiris a Dud

His rhetoric on the withdrawal of AFSPA just doesn’t wash

The Nowhere People

Harassed on their return to Kashmir valley and shunted out of Jammu city, Pandit refugees say it’s a repeat of the 1990 nightmare for them

Catching ’em Young

Faizan Bashir’s case is not an isolated one. The arrest of minors in Kashmir is turning into a serious issue


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