

Jobs: What employers are looking for today

Sonali Acharjee

Including acronyms, informal greetings and a selfie in your job application isn’t the best idea

The Indian Employment Puzzle

Very few jobs were created in the past six years. But the count of job seekers has been on the decline. How come?

Weird Indian Jobs

Presenting seven Indian jobs that you would not have believed existed.

Business Briefing 13/03

Cheer in the Job Market, After Two Years; Now China Too Budgets for the Aam Aadmi

Who Is an Indian Nuclear Scientist?

The Department of Atomic Energy receives thousands of applications from desperate candidates. Job interviews could be eventful

Sports Crazy

No cricketer among them yet, but Manipuris are doing Indian sport proud. And it’s not just that winning medals is their ticket to secure jobs

Class of 2009

Graduation day is here but there’s no party this year. You’ve heard the IIM-IIT story. Here’s a report from real India, beyond the big campuses


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