Swapan Dasgupta
The citizens of Nehruvian and post-Nehruvian India often attempted to justify their vulnerability by claiming to be preoccupied with loftier things
By the way, were Indira and Nehru anti-federal because they held all elections on a single day?
How the events of 12 June 1975 launched a political revolution
Congress must rejuvenate itself, bringing in fresh faces and young blood into its leadership at all levels. It would help if the party took steps to promote inner-party democracy and a more consultative decision-making style: Open up the party to internal elections for its key positions. Seek the views of a wide cross-section of party stalwarts, not just a favoured few. Allow and encourage the emergence of local, state and regional leaders, ratified by periodic votes of party members
The author, whose father HY Sharada Prasad was Information advisor to Indira Gandhi, examines the likely reasons why she relaxed the Emergency and called for elections
Nobody expects to question the prolonged absence of the chief minister
India remains a democracy and has been so except for a brief period when elections were suspended and fundamental rights curbed across the land