

A Portrait of the Indian

Siddharth Singh

A new survey reveals a deeply conservative country

Indian heart patients die 10 years earlier than those in the West, says study

A pioneering study of heart patients funded by ICMR envisages reducing the country’s disease burden

Stranded Nephew, Grounded Uncle: Two Indians in Covid-Hit Germany

One of them is sleepless in a Hamburg hotel and the other restless in a Berlin apartment

Migrant Nation

Tony Joseph wades through genetics, archaeology and linguistics to present a picture of the people who shaped Indian civilisation

Born Again in Borneo

An Indian identity crisis in the eastern Malaysian province of Sabah

Don’t Lose Heart

Cardiovascular disease accounts for one-fourth of all deaths in India and a number of studies are telling us how grave the epidemic is

What Are We Doing There?

With no dog in the fight, Indians still travel the world to see the Cup

The Ugly Indian Tourist

Live from the beaches of Goa


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