
Hindu temples

Redefining India

Abhinav Prakash Singh

An open civilisation rejecting old monolithic constructs

Batty and Better

The pandemic may have given them a bad name but bats are worthy of worship in Tamil Nadu

Sabarimala: A Trek Too Far

How women who tried to go to Sabarimala after the Supreme Court judgment were forced to return by devotees who used children as shields

Sabarimala: God and Citizen

Was Sabarimala the business of the Supreme Court?

Flower Recycling: Ankit Agarwal, 26 Co-Founder, Help Us Green

“People thought we were crazy—who spends time working with rotting flowers from the river?”

The Sanctity of Gender Equality

A group of feisty women wrest the right to worship at the inner sanctum of Hindu temples in Maharashtra, if only for a stipulated 90 minutes


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