
Hindi films

The Great Indian Reel Journey

Rachel Dwyer

On the road to enchantment with Hindi films

The Song of Songs

Hindi film scores need a documentary like Country Music

All About Family Values

When movie mothers are no longer saintly widows in white saris

How Hindi Films Got So Good

...and started looking beyond tired formulas and megastars and multi-starrers and all those yawns

Withdrawal Symptoms

Five weeks without Hindi films, and I’m in sad shape

The Eternal Five

The top five Hindi films of all time, and the secret of why some films endure and others just fade away

The Girl in Kites You Won’t Remember

An American actress who has done bit roles in many Hindi films remembers her rather strange stint.

Sick and Tired of Song and Dance

Moviemakers are blowing up money on stuff that gives me a headache.


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