

Maid in Singapore

Balli Kaur Jaswal explores the complex web of relations between the country’s elite and its domestic help in her new novel

The Coven of Chums

Simon Kuper’s new book uncovers the ‘Oxford flaws’. He tells Ullekh NP why Brexit’s origins lie in the elite British institution

Pious Frauds?

How credentialled elites distort science

The Redundancy of the Elite

How Modi wrested back control of communicating with India from political and intellectual cliques

The Aura of Excess

The other side of luxury

Lahore Calling

A novel that overturns the hierarchies of contemporary upper-class Pakistani society

Trouble at Sheikh Villa

Sheikh Amer Hassan saw his house as his castle, and a lot more besides, and that too in a Pakistan he saw as increasingly permissive. Till he wound up dead


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