
Donald Trump

Into the Trump Era

S Prasannarajan

What shapes his worldview is his faith in America’s transactional power

The Arctic Great Game

Donald Trump isn’t going to annex Greenland or Canada. But don't dismiss the logic to his claims

On the Brink of Trumperica

Donald Trump should check the route to Delhi because he just might need a friend


Catching up on YouTube broadcasts

Parting Gift

A below-the-belt kick

Mythmaking In Life and Death

When mourning becomes a political rite 

Global Alert

Where to expect pleasant surprises and when to prepare for rude shocks

Why They Hate Us

Hindus do not fit into the cherished narratives of many groups—from the American right to the Bangladeshi mob

The Power of Choice

India can leverage its partnership with the US to advance its geopolitical interests without provoking a volatile and vindictive China

Over to Trump

After a strategic roller-coaster of a year, the world awaits January 20


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