
digital economy

Seizing the Reform Moment

Rajeev Deshpande

Having addressed the political message of the Lok Sabha election last year, the Budget’s resolve to declutter the economy and promote growth will be watched closely

Digital Reckoning

The data protection bill is the first step towards safeguarding personal information online

‘The idea is to get credit to everybody’

In conversation with Hrushikesh Mehta, co-founder of CredAll

Credit Democracy

Small businesses are finding it easier to afford working capital as the traditional practice of lending against assets is being replaced by loans based on information—cash flows digitally captured by tracking financial data. This is accelerating the formalisation of the Indian economy and a larger social transformation

The Pakoda Economy Checks In

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s digital drive and cash transfers are helping the bottom half of the Indian pyramid climb up the economic ladder despite the pandemic

Embrace the Disruption

Regulate and be rewarded as the future home of innovation


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