
death sentence

The Rarest Interpretation

Madhavankutty Pillai

Death sentence must be an exception instead of the rule

The Disproportionate Punishment

On Singapore executing an Indian-origin man for trafficking in marijuana

Nirbhaya Convicts: Hanging in the Balance

Nirbhaya convicts and the emotional cost of counting the days between death and legal hope

Revenge By Any Other Name

The consensus over the imminent execution of the Nirbhaya killers is appeasement of a selective rage

The General in His Cul-De-Sac

Musharraf’s conviction is a first in the history of Pakistan

Musharraf’s Moment of Reckoning

Those cheering the death penalty for the former dictator need to exhale

Lives and Deaths in Tihar

It’s India’s most fabled jail that housed the notorious and the respectable, and where some prisoners were more equal than others and some executions were stranger than what was reported. Startling revelations of a man who witnessed their lives and last moments

Uncertain Guilt

Devinderpal Singh Bhullar has been sentenced to death despite a split verdict in the Supreme Court and a case that doesn’t quite add up to certain guilt. Twenty years of fighting the charges against him have robbed him of his sanity. Will India stand by and let a sick man hang?

The Question of Reasonable Doubt

The guilt of Afzal Guru was not as evident as the State would have you think. And his dubious execution may not be the last such case

The Case of the One-Armed Murderer

A death sentence awarded to the rapist and murderer of a 23-year-old girl has evoked wild celebration in Kerala, a state known for its liberal leanings. What explains this bloodlust?


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