

BR Ambedkar: The Last Moralist

Shashi Tharoor

The relevance of an idea called Ambedkar

The Real Kerala Story

The debate on The Kerala Story, though, is not really about the ‘facts’ of the case or the presence of radical organisations in Kerala

Beware the Film Critics

Who is really offended by The Kerala Story?

The Adivasis Strike Back

Behind the anti-conversion violence in Bastar is a fight for tribal identity

Only If You Believe In Miracles

On the Vatican finding a new saint from India

Truth and Faith

The Places of Worship Act stands in the way of reclamation of religious sites of one community allegedly occupied by another. Its constitutional validity was waiting to be challenged

Conversion Terror

The move to turn a gurdwara into a mosque further reveals Pakistan’s suppression of minorities

The Truth about Love Jihad

The dangers of conversion by other means

Between Love and Jihad in Kerala

The ordeal of Akhila-Hadiya

Nothing Is Sacred

Mohan Bhagwat’s criticism of Mother Teresa and the debate that followed bring out the twisted logic of Indian liberals


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