

Delhi to Hyderabad

Madhulika Liddle

A historical novel traces how the nizam’s state acceded to India

Trolls and Terrors

Thrillers for the season—those who live by the mob may die by it; a village where everyone knows everyone’s secrets; a tribute to Miss Marple; and a whodunit where the author is a character

A Different Way of Seeing

Janice Pariat’s new novel motivates us to question our turbulent relationship with the planet

Valour Undimmed

The history of Punjab through art and objects

Green Dreams

The memoir of a Muslim girl in Kerala seeking her identity

‘Often when love is gained, it can start to feel unheroic,’ says Mansi Choksi

Mansi Choksi’s book chronicles the lives of three young couples who chose love over all else. She speaks about what they gained and what they lost

Truth Be Told

An archaeologist speaks out against ideological extremism

The Many Tongues of the Forest

Sheela Tomy’s novel tells the stories of the land and its people. She speaks to Open about bringing the Western Ghats alive in fiction

Catch Them Young

Children’s fiction in India dares to echo the cultural arguments of the times

Nirmal Verma: A Moral Life

The making of the writer Nirmal Verma


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