

The Case for Simplifying Green Rules

Rajeev Deshpande

The legal tussle between activists and the Centre over environmental clearances hides the red tape, delays and lack of transparency of existing regulations

TikTok Politics

The new platform for political activism in India

Daniel Langthasa: Songs of the Subversive

Daniel Langthasa is always angry. He tells Akhil Sood why

Irom in Her Soul

Theatre artiste Ojas SV has taken Irom Sharmila’s story to 15 states with her moving solo production

And Roles for All

Inviting the audience to perform, a Bengal theatre group has galvanised activism in Indian villages. And engineered the scrapping of a Reliance SEZ in Maharashtra

Silent Activism

Do you take part in online activism to make a difference, or does it just show your indifference?


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