Tharoor the Snake Charmer
Ninad D. Sheth
Ninad D. Sheth
19 Nov, 2009
The Shashi Tharoor-python episode augurs well for bilateral relations between India and Benin
On a recent visit to the republic of Benin in Africa, Twitter czar and India’s Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor had an unusual request from his hosts—to visit their voodoo worship temple. There, as per native tradition, a large python would be coiled around the visitor’s neck. If the python relaxed the coil and the visitor did not flinch, it would be taken as a great omen for bilateral ties between Benin and the visitor. Tharoor, being the cool dude he is, did not flinch at all and the python reciprocated by not coiling. Bilateral relations with Benin can now be taken as blossoming—till the next state visit at least.
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