“One of the main problems is people stealing credit. Most creative directors happily accept awards for ads they didn’t conceive”
A family in Kerala digging a borewell for water finds cooking gas
“The most senior superstar you can think of [in the Mumbai film industry] is one of the biggest whore-mongers around”
It’s actually happening in Mumbai, but rationalists dismiss it as religious bunkum
“Even top people in the industry are sleeping with someone or the other. That’s just how it works. But nobody talks about it”
In Chennai, husbands don’t know their wives are sex workers, finds an unusual survey
“Jalebee Cartel is monotonous, but they play to a rich, drugged crowd, so they don’t have to try that hard”
“As a producer, you could end up ruining lives. Since you need a scandal, you play the devil’s advocate, but that’s a given in TV land”