

Confessions of a Audio Engineer

“Many singers can’t even sing. Their voices are changed by our work, so anybody can sound like Whitney”

Lessons in Sobriety

In Kerala, a drive has been launched against drunken train commuters

Confessions of a business consultant

“There are many companies that lie and fudge figures while the credit rating process is going on”

The Ranbir Fan

For almost a year, she’s been standing outside his home daily for hours

Confessions of a Chick Lit Writer

“I would never write stories that can be adapted to Bollywood flicks. Over my dead body”

YSR Here, There, Everywhere

The politics behind dedicating temples to political leaders in Andhra Pradesh

Confessions of a Marine Lawyer

“More trade vessels are coming to Indian ports. That means more chances of things going wrong”

Confessions of a Fashion Blogger

“Bloggers should be a part of all fashion weeks. We are a big influence on what people on the street wear”

Know Thy Sickness

A self-described medical palmist reads between the lines

Confessions of a Creative TV Executive

“I’ve realised that till the time you become creative director, there is hardly anything creative you can do”


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