The usual suspects of just about every terror attack in India have one thing in common: the name Bhatkal
Does the euro’s design have a fatal flaw? The currency itself looks marvellous. And if it’s a question of economic elegance, it wins on first principles
Real India
Mumbai got its first ever pet park recently
“To get our promotions, we need to cosy up to senior colleagues and politicians. At times, we even pay to get desired postings”
The poet, lyricist and adman says advertising has helped his poetry
Spandan Banerjee’s National Award winning documentary traces the origins of a popular Bengali folk song and its strange journey across the world
Scientologists are notoriously intolerant towards any disparagement of the religion
Hiren Bhattacharyya, the Assamese poet who recently passed away, was a rare writer whose works are taught from high school to university
True Life
One afternoon on a bus in Mumbai, writer Kalpana Swaminathan discovered her detective, Lalli—a collector of curiosities that hint of murder