Gogu Shyamala, a Dalit feminist and Telangana activist, writes captivating short stories about life in rural Andhra Pradesh
This car is packed with so much technology, you literally need a mouse to navigate it
The lessons of Bahishti Zevar, advising Muslim women to defer to their husbands and never consider them their equals, are still popular with talk show hosts in Pakistan
As with her first collection of poems, Tishani Doshi’s best poems here are those in which a female experience, located boldly in the body, works as a comment on something larger
A camera so fast and versatile that anyone can capture that perfect moment
Ah, the joys of reading a diasporic story that’s not angsting itself silly over finding one’s roots
Apple has not called it iPad 3, but iPad 2 would still be proud of it
How did the West suddenly get so much richer than the East about 350 years ago? Another book on business history, another explanation
A wireless sound bar that is smarter than the TV set it has to serve