An Indologist from Italy reflects on the rapture that religion offers as an experience
The world’s smallest dustproof, weather-resistant digital SLR camera
A seething knot of a coming of age story shows how India’s 90s generation deals with drugs, sex, magic mushrooms and, of course, divorce
A journalist employs black comedy to highlight all that is wrong with India’s economy
One of Sri Lanka’s most compelling voices plays with ideas of displacement
A powerful Windows machine that is compact, light and offers an extended battery life
Shashi Tharoor takes on everything from Modi to the significance of birthdays with his elegant prose, but spreads his umbrella too wide
A novel set in a fictitious Bengali village fails to realise its ambitions
This system uses advanced digital technology to deliver perfect analogue sound
A calligrapher’s vivid account of the friendship between the great mystic Rumi and an itinerant dervish is spun into a masterful novel