

Searching for Orwell

Fantasy and reality tell of a struggling writer from Bihar

Intimate Watching

Detectives with cool, rational minds who need to see justice done

Lost in Battle

The personal price a reporter pays to witness a war

Delhi on the Map

When cartography reveals a city’s cultural history

Female Rage

Malayalam short stories on gender inequalities

Can India’s Cities be Saved?

In “India’s Blind Spot” Devashish Dhar examines how unworkable rules and laws distorted India’s land market and how data, technology and pragmatic planning is way forward

The Good Fight

The trial of Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom

Surveyors with a Spyglass

Three collections of poetry tell of time and transitions, ancient cities and kingdoms

BR Ambedkar: A Monumental Life

Ashok Gopal traces the exceptional journey of Ambedkar becoming Babasaheb

When a Deol Marries a Roy

Keeping the Bengali sensibilities alive


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