The Two Faces of Bishan Singh Bedi In a country where biographies are akin to hagiographies, Suresh Menon’s book on the spin bowler is refreshingly objective
Chetan Bhagat scratches his head over criticism of his books, and talks of writing as an emotional endeavour
The reaction of a literary snob on turning the pages of a Chetan Bhagat book for the first time
Alien cults, Wall Street analysts, missionaries, ethnologists and rockstars go on an existential quest in the desert
Shoaib Akhtar’s autobiography is a bitter man’s rant against his more accomplished peers
At a time when many women are rejecting the ‘feminist’ label, those who led India’s first wave of feminism review the battles they fought
Alan Hollinghurst on fighting laziness, living in the world of his novels and the pressures of being a gay writer
Arvind Krishna Mehrotra’s translations of Kabir, with a generous dose of American slang, are awkward at times. But the remix experiment is worth the risk of failure
There is no doubt about Aatish Taseer’s skills as a writer, but there’s a limit to how much one can read about his troubled relationship with his father