

An Intimate Affair

Human rights and love in allegory and otherwise

Magic and Murders

A fantasy mystery with a classic detective duo and a thriller set in Nazi Germany

Anatomy of a Scandal

When village gossip turns into vigilantism

‘The trauma of forced migration is in our genes,’ says Firat Sunel

The Turkish Ambassador to India Firat Sunel talks about his novel now translated into English and the challenges of writing fiction as a diplomat

Born To Be Wild

From Romulus Whitaker to India’s Snakeman

VO Chidambaram Pillai: Patriot of the Seas

The Tamil revolutionary who challenged British maritime power

Free Spirit

A portrait of a Mughal princess as an adventurer

An Epic Act

How Ebrahim Alkazi changed the Hindi theatre

The Phantom Invasion

How British panic at the Japanese threat aggravated Indian suffering in 1942

Character Is Destiny

Locked-room mysteries with a contemporary twist


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