

Looking Back at the Next Decade

An audacious future history of the next ten years. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy!

Little India

If proof were ever needed that being an exclusivist society goes against the grain of the city, take the culinary route to discover Bombay.

Ultimately It’s Black

Faced with too many common folk clogging everything up, the social networking site Facebook went exclusive with a snazzy new version—only by invitation.

Days in the Sun

The Indian economy is in turbocharge mode, as business booms louder than the grandest Diwali.

The Switch

With China snatching pole position from the US, all bets are off. But we saw it coming—two decades ago.

Slow Pace of Fast Change

The Rahul-led Congress has been on a rollercoaster that could disorient anybody else. The young leader, however, retains his smile.

…and Still Counting

Who remembers climate change? Reporting from the second UN Population Summit from Mumbai.

Pakistan circa 2020

The great four-way split happened five years ago, in 2015, but the impact is still being felt, what with the latest Pashtoonistan crisis.

The Decade in Review

President Sarah Palin, Google dollars and the birth of the new state of Talibstan. Tsk tsk, and that’s the good news compared to China’s response to India’s ‘obduracy’ on Tibet and Aishwarya Rai.

Dry, Dry, Dry Again

This sanctuary just doesn’t have water enough to keep the birds coming. And Unesco is threatening to strike it off its World Heritage list.


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